

发表于:2024-05-09 作者:
编辑最后更新 2024年05月09日,  来自GC的最新消息。暴雪D3设计师Jay Wilson在回答提问时解释道:"通过合作伙伴网易,我们能获得关于中国地区对D3的真正要求的信息,而且这份修改列表非常长。对我们来说这很难办。我们确实想在这个地区发售作品,但是我们不能为了

  来自GC的最新消息。暴雪D3设计师Jay Wilson在回答提问时解释道:"通过合作伙伴网易,我们能获得关于中国地区对D3的真正要求的信息,而且这份修改列表非常长。对我们来说这很难办。我们确实想在这个地区发售作品,但是我们不能为了让游戏里没有一点暴力性的内容而几乎修改整个游戏。



Diablo 3 designer Jay Wilson was on hand at the recent GamesCom, where he met up with Wired and frankly discussed the game's gore. He confirmed that the title would not only have parental controls, but could have a lot of its signature violence stripped for select regions. "Yeah, we're going to have to be able to turn off blood, change the color and things like that, because you can't have red blood in some regions, regions that we would very much like to sell the game in," Wilson said.

Though he doesn't foresee any issue in selling the game in Germany and Australia, Blizzard will have to carefully weigh its options when it comes to a release in in China. "With our relationship with NetEase, we recently got new information about what China really wants, and it's a lengthy list. It's really hard for us to cater to. We'll try. There's no reason we wouldn't want to go there, but there is a certain point where we'd have to redo so much of the game that it's not viable anymore," Wilson explained.

采访原文 Do you think they’ll be controversy over the parental controls, like we saw with the new art style?

Wilson: I’m sure someone will be controversial about it. I don’t think they should though, the idea that people put parental controls and allow for option of turning down the blood. It’s not like we’re doing it across the board. It’s not like we’re forcing it on everyone. We’re making it an option, and not the default option. Will some people complain about it? I’m sure they will. But ultimately, that’s the world we live in. You’ll obviously have to edit content for regions like Germany and Australia, but what about China? Is that a more difficult case?

Wilson: Definitely for regions like Germany and Australia, we will have to change blood if we’re going to sell there. And that’s fine. Those are the standards for those regions, and we don’t really have a problem with catering to what they need and what they want. But China’s going to be hard for us. Because a lot of the restrictions there are really… we may not be able to do them. It may not be possible. With our relationship with NetEase, we recently got new information about what China really wants, and it 2000 ’s a lengthy list. It’s really hard for us to cater to. We’ll try. There’s no reason we wouldn’t want to go there, but there is a certain point where we’d have to redo so much of the game that it’s not viable anymore. So it’s possible you won’t be released in China due to their gaming violence restrictions?

Wilson: We could have a lot of trouble with China, yes, but it would be our goal to go there. We haven’t decided what regions we’re going into, obviously. It certainly would be our goal to go there, but we will struggle to go to China.