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更新5.00M33-4 神奇电池V8下载

Changes in version 8(神电版本8)


- Updated to 5.00 M33-4



- DCiplloader doesn't require to mspformat the memory stick.

However, in some memory stick it may still be necessary.

Just run the program and if you find an error at 99%, run mspformat and try again.

(DC iplloader不需要格式化记忆棒,然而对于某些记忆棒格式化也是必要的(大概是MJ之类的卡吧 = =)只要出现运行到99%出错的话 那就格棒子再试吧

- Copy DC8 to PSP/GAME/

(复制DC8到PSP /GAME里)

- Download Sony 5.00 update eboot and copy it to ms rootwith the name 500.PBP

(下载SONY5.0固件 复制到记忆棒根目录 MS0:/ 并把固件改名字为500.PBP)

- If you have a PTF custom theme set, quit it before running the program.


- Use the app under a 3.x+ kernel. The program may not work in versions prior to 3.03 OE.

(需要3.x+ kernel核心,3.03OE不支持)

- IF timemachine is installed in this memory stick, the program will ask you at the end which button(s) you want to boot DC7, otherwise no buttons will be necessary.


- Now you have a pandora ms ready to go, and you just need a proper

battery. If you have 1.50 kernel access, use c+d tool. Otherwise, use corly149 tool.

(现在就可以制作DC8了,不过你首先要制作过神棒组合,没有神棒 那么就需要一块适当电池 如果有1.5核心 那就用C+D工具去做吧)



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