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PSP2000v3破解软件CFW Enabler源代码一览

PSP2000 v3 破解软件 CFW Enabler 1.0 源代码@CGTP,仅供懂C语言基础知识的玩家学习参考。

ohai nubcakes

/* CFW Enabler's main code */
/* Xenogears & Becus25 */
/* ;t=14641 */

/* Noob comments by m0skit0 */
/* */


/* Missing this! */
#include "rebootex.h"

PSP_MODULE_INFO("HENControl_module", 0x1000, 0, 1);

/* The macro that makes a call

MAKE_CALL(address, function)
where address is the address to be patched
and function is the new function to call

How it works:
_sw is a function that corresponds to the sw assembler instruction,
Store Word. Writes 32 bits (one word) at a memory direction
0x0C000000 is the opcode for jal, Jump and Link
"f" is the function direction, shifted left 2 positions
and masked with zeroes for the higher 6 bits (which correspond to opcode)

Then MAKE_CALL stores a jal instruction to the function passed at the
address passed */
#define MAKE_CALL(a, f) _sw(0x0C000000 | (((u32)(f) >> 2) & 0x03ffffff), a)

/* To C noobs, this is a function pointer */
int (* DecompressReboot)(u32 addr, u32 size, void *unk, void *unk2, void *unk3) = NULL;

/* Write back data cache to main memory and invalidate all entries from both caches*/
void ClearCaches()

/* This is the new function that substitutes the instruction at sceLoadExec offset 0x27DC */
int DecompressRebootPatched(u32 addr, u32 size, void *unk, void *unk2, void *unk3)
/* Decompress "rebootex" in address 0x88FC0000 */
/* "rebootex" likely to be referenced by rebootex.h file */
sceKernelGzipDecompress((void *)0x88FC0000, 0x4000, rebootex, NULL);
/* Call DecompressReboot, which is sceLoadExec text entry as we see below */
return DecompressReboot(addr, size, unk, unk2, unk3);

/* Modify sceLoadExecModule */
int PatchLoadExec()
/* Get module sceLoadExec */
SceModule *mod = sceKernelFindModuleByName("sceLoadExec");
/* text_addr points to actual code from sceLoadExec module */
u32 text_addr = mod->text_addr;

/* Here comes the tricky part: */

/* Change instruction at offset 0x27dc of sceLoadExec code
with a call to function DecompressRebootPatched() */
MAKE_CALL(text_addr + 0x27DC, DecompressRebootPatched);

/* Stores the value 0x3C0188FC at offset 0x2820
likely to be an instruction if stored in text segment :)

In binary: 0011 1100 0000 0001 1000 1000 1111 1100

Opcode: 001111 -> lui, Load Upper Immediate, loads a register's
higher half-word with an immediate operand
00000 00001 1000100011111100
Then always come 5 zeroes: 00000
Then the register to load in (5 bits): 00001 -> register 1
Finally the half word immediate: 0x88FC
After excuting this instruction $1 = 0x88FC0000 */
_sw(0x3C0188FC, text_addr + 0x2820);

/* You can disassemble sysmem.prx (aka sceLoadExec) to check that sub_00002778
(the subroutine patched above) is referenced a few times by other functions xD */

/* Assigning scePafModule text entry section as DecompressReboot() */
DecompressReboot = (void *)text_addr;


/* Module entry point, as you should already know :) */
int module_start(SceSize args, void *argp)
return 0;





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